EU Special Envoy for the Peace Process in Colombia
In November 2015, Eamon Gilmore was appointed by the EU High Representative and Vice-President of the European Commision, Federicia Mogherini as her Special Envoy for the Peace Process in Colombia.
He has continued in this role since then, having been re-appointed by the current HRVP Josep Borrell. Since February 2019, Eamon Gilmore is also the EU Special Representative for Huma Rights.
Special Envoy Gilmore worked closely with those involved in the negotiations of the Colombian Peace Agreement in 2016, and attended in Havana, Cuba where the negotiations were taking place.
He has accompanied the implementation of the Peace Agreement from the beginning, and has given particular attention to the re-incorporation of former combatants into civilian life; to supporting the Transitional Justice System; and the EU's support for integrated rural development. He visits Colombia regularly, where he meets with senior government and other political leaders, the leadership of FARC (now Comunes) and civil society and business figures.
He also speaks at international events about the Colombia Peace Process, including at a UN Security Council Arria-formula meeting, convened by Ireland in July 2022.
Announcing Eamon's appointment the HRVP said
"Providing support to this peace process has been one of the priorities since the beginning of my mandate a year ago. Over the past twelve months I met President Santos on several occasions and it is with his full agreement that I decided to entrust Mr. Gilmore with this mission.
With his experience as Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Ireland from 2011 to 2014 and his personal involvement in the peace process in Northern Ireland, Mr. Gilmore is the right person for this job and I am pleased that he accepted to take on this challenging commitment.
The Colombian peace process has reached a crucial moment with the groundbreaking agreement on transitional justice. I am confident that a final agreement can be concluded by the end of March, as announced by President Santos.
Eamon Gilmore will convey the political support of the EU for the peace process, especially in the implementation phase. He will work with the Colombian Government and other stakeholders in Colombia, and with EU Member States and the European Parliament. The EU and Member states must present a coherent and well-coordinated response to this historic occasion."